Cold War Season 6 Start Time: When does the next Battle Pass actually begin?

We're days away from Black Ops Cold War's next major update and we want to know what time Season 6 is due to start - Treyarch has announced a release date, but have they given us a specific time yet? Here's everything you need to know...

START TIME - When does the update go live?

Season 6 is due to start on October 7th - according to the Content Roadmap - however, Treyarch hasn't actually confirmed a start time yet. That doesn't mean we don't know when it's going to start, though. Treyarch follows an updated schedule and they rarely venture off of it.

Looking at previous title updates - specifically those that usher in a new season of content - we believe that Season 6 should start at the following time:

  • 21:00 October 6th - PST
  • 23:00 October 6th - EST
  • 04:00 October 7th - BST

It's worth taking this with a pinch of salt, but the Season 6 Battle Pass should be available from the time specified above. We should get confirmation from Treyarch in the next two days - we're due a set of Patch Notes after all...

PRELOAD INFO - When can you install the new content?

If you want to prepare yourself for Black Ops Cold War Season 6, you'll be pleased to know that you'll be able to preload this update and prepare yourself ahead of time.

Preloading for Black Ops Cold War's Season 6 update starts at the following times:

  • 21:00 October 5th - PST
  • 23:00 October 5th - EST
  • 04:00 October 6th - BST

After this time, you should be able to download the Season 6 update for Black Ops Cold War before the time Season 6 is due to start. It won't be installable until Season 6 kicks off, but this should save you a lot of time given the fact that these updates aren't the smallest nowadays.

With a new round-based Zombies map debuting in Season 6 - on top of the new Operators, weapons, and Multiplayer maps - we expect this one to be a little bigger than the last.

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