FIFA 21: EA ends Ibrahimovic and Bale license saga

Zlatan Ibrahimovic caused a stir among FIFA fans recently after questioning EA’s use of his likeness in the game.

Find out more below.

Unhappy Zlatan

Cast your minds back to Monday when Zlatan Ibrahimovic voiced his displeasure with EA and its use of his likeness in the game.

Then Spurs star Gareth Bale gets involved and rumours spread throughout the FIFA community!

We weren't sure how this would play out, or whether the two stars would remain in the game at all.

Fear not though, as EA has resolved the issue.

EA’s Response

EA has responded sharply to the confusion with an official statement clearing up the matter.

The full statement reads:

“We are aware of discussions around licensing of players in EA Sports FIFA.

The current situation being played out on social media is an attempt to draw FIFA 21 into a dispute between a number of 3rd parties and has little to do with EA Sports.

To be very clear, we have contractual rights to include the likeness of all players currently in our game.

As already stated, we acquire these licenses directly from leagues, teams, and individual players.

In addition, we work with FIFPro to ensure we can include as many players as we can to create the most authentic game.

In these instances, our rights to player likenesses are granted through our club agreement with AC Milan and our long-standing exclusive partnership with the Premier League, which includes all players for Tottenham Hotspur.”

Well, that’s the end of that then.

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