MLB The Show 21: Ken Griffey Sr arrives in free Player Program

MLB The Show 21 is thriving with new Diamond Dynasty content as the postseason reaches the pinnacle and the World Series rages on between the Astros and Braves.

Meanwhile, the latest Player Program has arrived and this time the spotlight is on the legendary Ken Griffey Sr.

MLB The Show 21: Ken Griffey Sr gets powerful new Player Program

While Ken Griffey Sr has been in MLB The Show 21 as part of the general Legends Roster, this is the first truly powerful card he's received in Diamond Dynasty.

He's had just two Diamond Dynasty cards so far, including a simple 79 OVR Veteran Ken Griffey Sr from his 1983 season with the Yankees, and later an 84 OVR Veteran Ken Griffey Sr from his 1990 season with the Mariners.

Clearly it looks like Sony San Diego was keeping this one in their back pocket for further down the line, because this new 97 OVR Signature Series card represents the absolute best of Ken Griffey Sr.

MLB The Show 21 Ken Griffey Jr
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BATTING BEAST: Griffey Sr is more than Diamond when it comes to Contact

While he bounced around between five teams in his lengthy MLB career from 1973 to 1991, it was his time with the Cincinnati Reds and as part of the Big Red Machine that most remember Griffey Sr for.

As part of that Big Red Machine, Ken Griffey Sr. led the Cincinnati Reds to becoming World Series Champions in both 1975 and 1976, with Griffey Sr also being an All-Star in the 1976 season.

8th Inning Player Program: Ken Griffey Sr - How to Complete

If you're hoping to get this new 97 OVR version of Ken Griffey Sr for your Diamond Dynasty squad, you'll need to complete his 8th Inning Player Program.

You'll need to accumulate 50 Points with the various tasks available, and the easiest will likely be the 5 Points you can get from exchanging any extra right fielders you've gotten from packs or aren't using.

Missions are most valuable, as you will also be earning XP and completing other challenges by accumulating the Home Runs with Reds players or Extra Base Hits with right fielders.

MLB The Show 21 Ken Griffey Sr
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GRIND TIME: Work through these so you can use Griffey Sr on your team

Both of those will net you 10 Points, and you can snag another 8 if you're up for an All-Star Difficulty game with the Reds.

If you complete each of those things, that will leave you at 33 Points, which means you'll still need at least another 17 Points to unlock Griffey Sr.

Those final points will come from Moments, which challenge you to recreate specific times in Griffey Sr's career with the scenario already set.

There are six available Moments and each is worth 7 Points, which means you'll need to do at least three of them, or more if you plan to skip any of the Missions or Exchange.

Once you've done enough of these tasks to earn your 50 Points, you'll unlock the Signature Series Ken Griffey Sr, get a huge chunk of XP for the 8th Inning Program, and have earned some Stubs and Packs for Diamond Dynasty in the process. .

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