It's going to be a busy week for PS5 players

Looking for the latest PS5 news from today and the last twenty-four hours? We've got everything you need to know, including a stock update, below.

PS5 Stock Updates

If you're looking to get your hands on a new PS5, you might be in luck over today and tomorrow. We've got the latest PS5 Stock Updates right here.

It has been reported that Amazon UK is getting their hands on around 8,000 units this week. Although we don't know the specifics of when they'll be on sale, we're expecting it to be either later today or tomorrow.

Amazon UK stock usually drops between 08:00 BST and 10:00 BST so be sure to check back then.

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This seems to be it for getting your hands on a new console, though. CEX and Ebay are both offering moderate prices on second-hand consoles but it is still an over-payment due to the high demand.

New Game Updates

Looking at the latest game updates, there aren't actually too many to talk about today specifically. Monday is often a quiet day for video game updates.

Still, PlayStation has been shining a light on a few updates that are on the way.


Brawlhalla, the cartoon brawler that's becoming known for its crossovers, is getting another crossover!

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This time around, Po is being joined by Tigress and Tai Lung from Dreamworks' Kung Fu Panda series.

If there's one thing Brawlhalla does well, it's making pretty meaningful crossovers. Each one seems to fit with the gameplay and the style of the title and this one isn't any different.

Tekken 7

The fictional Prime Minister of Poland has joined Tekken 7's roster of fighters.

We know, that sentence isn't exactly what you'd expect but we're telling the truth.

Lidia Sobieska is the newest Tekken 7 fighter to join the roster and promises to offer a refreshing new character for players to try out.

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Auto Chess

Season 11 of the popular strategy game Auto Chess has begun and it brings a new piece to the playing field.

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You can check out the small trailer below and get a glimpse of what's to come in The Legend of Lamp Witch.

Cyberpunk 2077

New details have been revealed by CDPR regarding the next major patch for Cyberpunk 2077. Patch 1.2 features well-over a hundred changes and the patch notes are massive.

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Ray-Tracing is coming to AMD graphics cards on PC and a whole host of graphical enhancements and performance updates are coming to consoles.

Could Cyberpunk 2077 be finally returning to the PS Store after this? We can only hope.

Upcoming Releases

There is only one major title release coming to PlayStation platforms over the next week and that is Outriders.

Square Enix's cover-based looter-shooter aims to fill the space that Anthem left with an out-of-this-world experience that promises to be action-packed and meaty for those players looking for a title they can sink hours into.

Do we know if it's going to best Destiny 2 in that category? No. However, the gameplay is different enough that the two shouldn't step on each others' toes.

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Outriders will be joining Xbox Game Pass at launch on April 1st, but it will be fully priced on PS4 and PS5 consoles.

Major Titles

Looking at the major titles on the PS5, there are some pretty big things coming over the next week.

Black Ops Cold War is due a major content update this Thursday with the release of Season 2 Reloaded. New Maps, a new Sniper Rifle, and two new Operators are coming to Treyarch's 80's shooter with a whole host of weapon tuning updates and bug fixes.

PS5 News Today FUT Birthday Team 1
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HUGE - Some of these cards are insane stats-wise

In addition to this, FIFA 21 is continuing its FUT Birthday celebrations with more limited-time SBCs and in-game objectives that give players the chance to get their hands on some of the upgraded FUT Birthday cards.

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